Vancouver Resistance

Hello Agent!

Ingress is a massively multi-player augmented reality game that's based in the real world. Created by Niantic Labs, a division of Google, this game has two teams (factions). Players visit locations known as portals (often well-known landmarks), capture them, and use them to claim area for their team by creating fields. We are the Vancouver Resistance, fighting for humanity's freedom against the Enlightened, who seek to capture territory for the shapers, alien beings from another dimension.

Ingress can be best described as a highly competitive geocaching game with elements of Capture the Flag and Risk added. The game is as easy as walking down the street, or can be as complex as organizing an army. It all depends on you, and how far you are willing to go.


Download Ingress

Ingress is available from both the Google Play Store and the AppStore

Join the Resistance

Once you have downloaded the application, remember to join the Resistance both in the game, and on G+.